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5th of September - World Spinal Cord Injury Day

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a devastating condition associated with the risk of premature mortality and morbidity, reduced physical and mental health, social exclusion and unemployment. There are between 250 000 and 500 000 new SCI cases each year.

September 5th has been appointed by World Health Organization (WHO) together with the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) as World Spinal Cord Injury Day - World SCI Day -

Directing general public attention to causes and consequences of SCI makes preventive campaigns more effective, and stimulates authorities to introduce standardized and evidence based programs as well as initiatives to both healthcare and social care to decrease morbidity, improve biomedical outcomes and enhance social participation of persons with SCI.

ESPRM, together with the other European PRM bodies, are deeply involved in scientific and social initiatives and events devoted to SCI problems. Examples include, among others, following activities: